Which of these images best illustrates your dream home?
Select up to 5.
Spoak Signs
1 / 9
What are your favorite colors
to have in your home?

Select as many as you want.

Spoak Signs
2 / 9
How do you feel about prints
and patterns?
3 / 9
Spoak Signs
What kind of art do you like?

Try not to focus on the exact items in the images, but rather on their general vibe and style. Choose as many as you’d like.

4 / 9
Spoak Signs
Describe how you want your home to feel.
Select up to 5.
Spoak Signs
5 / 9
It’s a Saturday. Where can we find you?

Select up to 5.

Spoak Signs
6 / 9
How would your best friend describe you to someone they know?

Select up to 5.

Spoak Signs
7 / 9
How do you feel about things?

Whether it’s collecting things, having things around you at home, looking at things in stores, etc.

Spoak Signs
8 / 9
Calculating your Spoak sign...
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