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When talking about proportion in design, it means understanding the scale of specific elements within the same room or object. Proportion and scale come into play around selecting furniture for a space because you want everything to feel evenly spaced (or proportioned). For instance, if you feel like the proportion of a rug isn't right in a living room, that's probably because it's either way too small (or big) for the room that it's in!

Design Lingo


When talking about proportion in design, it means understanding the scale of specific elements within the same room or object. Proportion and scale come into play around selecting furniture for a space because you want everything to feel evenly spaced (or proportioned). For instance, if you feel like the proportion of a rug isn't right in a living room, that's probably because it's either way too small (or big) for the room that it's in!

Design Lingo

Source: The Fox and the She

Source: The Fox and the She