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6 Steps to Planning Your Room Layout - Design Room Floor Plan

Have you ever tried to plan your room layout, ordered a piece of furniture online, and, when it arrived, realized it was too big or too small for your space? Yeah, us too.

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Top things to know about planning your room layout:

  • Planning your room layout is the first step in your home design process, even before ordering any furniture or decorative items for your space.
  • A room layout tool, like Spoak’s Floor Planner, allows you to create room layout options in just a few clicks.
  • Room layouts include real measurements of your space, so you won’t run into any surprises down the road with furniture not fitting.

The first (and possibly obvious) lesson on planning your room layout is knowing your measurements—but sometimes, knowing the measurements isn't enough. You need to know the relative measurements of everything else in your room before figuring out where to place a new piece of furniture. Knowing this will help you map out a room layout with actual measurements rather than relying on that voice in your head saying, "it'll probably fit."

That's where a room layout app comes in. In just six simple steps, we'll help you create the room layout of your dreams.

1) Gather the measurements of the room you're creating a layout for.

Floor plans, or room layouts, are 2D drawings showing a room's basic layout from an aerial view.

To make things easier for yourself, we recommend gathering your measurements room by room. Start by measuring the length of the walls as well as the height. Next, measure the length and height of entryways, windows, and doors. If there is anything obtrusive like a radiator, ensure that in your space plan too. Once you have your measurements, the rest of the room layout planning is relatively easy!

2) Open Spoak’s Floor Planner tool and set the scale of the canvas.

Once you're in the Floor Planner tool, you'll want to set the scale of your canvas; this is done by either selecting the width and height of the walls or by adding a wall and choosing a length.

3) Begin adding walls and furniture to your room layout.

This step is where the fun begins! Drag and drop furniture, lighting, and other accessories from Spoak's asset gallery to customize your room layout plan to your exact needs.

floor plan design
This floor plan incorporates a good use of assets between the seating options, rugs, and kitchen appliances.

4) Continue adding walls and furniture assets to scale your room layout.

You can customize the assets in your room layout to the exact measurements of the real furniture options you're looking at, which is a real game-changer.

Because everything is to scale, you don't have to worry about things not fitting into your space when you receive your package. Your room layout will be a picture-perfect example of your future room!

5) Practice your craft and become a room layout guru.

Practice makes perfect, so don't worry if you're still ironing out some kinks with your first room layout! Spoak's Floor Planner tool makes the planning process much smoother, so you'll be on your way to becoming a room layout Jedi in no time. However, if you're looking to take this lesson a bit further and want a complete in-depth walkthrough of creating room layouts in Spoak, check out this video tutorial.

6) Take your knowledge a step further and learn about spatial planning.

Spatial planning helps you nail down a foundation before you start designing.

It's an essential step in the design process. Some of the things you may consider are:

  • The focal point(s) of the room.
  • The proportions of different furniture pieces concerning each other.
  • Having enough space to create zones in a room.

While we all want our spaces to be beautiful, it's also essential that the room is functional and provides enough space to move through the room freely. After all, there is no point in purchasing that couch you had your eye on if it isn't even going to fit in your space.

For more helpful how-to's, visit our Help Hub.

To get started on creating your room layout, join Spoak.

Date Posted
October 5, 2022



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